Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Academic Events/Guest Speakers (Anyone interested in Chemistry?)

There are two events coming up hosted by the Chemistry department:

February 21- 7:30 pm Chemistry Lecture
February 22- 4:00 pm Chemistry Lecture

Both of these lectures are in room 113 (as far as I know now, I will update this if it changes!). Before you dismiss these because the word "lecture" is in the title, you should definitely consider going! I attended one such lecture last semester, and the guest speakers are very intent on making things interesting. Unlike class, you won't have to take notes, won't be tested...etc. It's definitely worth it to go and maybe learn something new! If you do go, I will be attending one of these (probably the first on on the 21st) so come find me and I will sign your sheet as proof and make sure to mark you present. If I am not at the one you go to, then please get the guest speaker to sign your sheet. Usually there is an opportunity after the lecture to come up to the speaker and ask questions/talk with them, so let them know you are a part of the passport program for the Honors College and I'm sure they would love to sign for you.

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