Friday, January 27, 2012


  • When do we turn in hours sheets?
    • At the end of each month (all together).
  • Where do we turn them in?
    • Outside of Thomas Reynolds's office
  • What if our events don't have physical proof to turn in?
    • Obtain a signature from the person in charge at the event
  • What counts as proof?
    • programs, tickets, signatures, wristbands, a picture of yourself at the event (easily distinguishable--ONLY IF NO PHYSICAL PROOF or signature proof is unavailable)
  • What all do we turn in?
    • 10-15 hours of events/the proof that goes along with it
    • reflection papers
  • What is the best way to find this information?
    • Check the blog!!!!
    • If, for some reason, the information is not on the blog, the best way to contact me is by email
A couple people have asked about other events on techannounce. Some of those events were a part of the Presidential Lecture and Performance Series; the events in this series are pretty much guaranteed to count. Just let me know which ones you attend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

February Prompt

Compare and contrast the events that you attended and why you chose them. How have the events made you feel more connected to your university? Which of the events especially contributed to this and why?

Event Listing

As promised, here is a listing of some events coming up in February that you can attend:

Honors College Events:
  • The Honors College Semi-Formal-February 18th (tickets are $5 and can be obtained at the front desk of the Honors College
  • Honors College Lunch Discussion-held every Friday from 12-1pm in the Horn/Knapp Residence Hall southwest lobby lounge (The first of these you are able to attend for credit begins on Friday, February 3rd-no credit will be given for events attended in January).
  • The Honors Weekly Email is your best resource for finding these events
Academic Events/Guest Speakers:
Performing Arts:
Visual Arts:
  • Things like art symposiums, first friday art trail, or film series will count for this
  • Techannounce will announce these sort of things

Personal & Professional Development:

TTU Intercollegiate Sports:

Community/Lubbock Events:
  • Friends of the Library valentine's booksale (ask me about this if you want to attend and I can get you contact information)
  • Idalou Apple Orchard-we may take a trip here for one of our meetings or something, but it is family-owned, and if you would like to use this as an event you need to contact the owner and ask for a tour
  • National Ranching Heritage Center-great museum to visit (be realistic with hours on these things; I've been to these places and can say it doesn't take 4 hours to go through them) :)
  • Windmill Museum
  • Lubbock Symphony Orchestra performances (these will come up on the Honors Weekly email sometimes and you can get free tickets if you jump on the chance)
  • Plays and other dramas are also done outside of the University and can count as part of your hours
  • I have provided you with a link to events in Lubbock that you can consult. Please ask me first before choosing an event from this site to attend to make sure that it will count toward your hours!
As always, ask if you have something in mind that is not on this list. You will be asked to provide proof of attendance for all of your events. This can include things like tickets from the event, a program, a signature from a performer or group leader, or a pictures of yourself at the event (ONLY IF NO OTHER PROOF IS AVAILABLE).

If you attend museums please ask for a signature from the curator or tour guide as proof of your attendance.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and there will always be changes. If you want to post something on here for you to share with your fellow students, please do so in the comments sections! If you have any questions, just email me at

Hours Turn-in

Ok guys,

A few of you asked me how you would be turning things in, so here is your answer:

In the Honors College (McClellan Hall), right outside of Thomas Reynolds's office, there will be a box for you to turn in your materials. I can also use this box to send out hard copies of things to you if you need them, so be checking your email/the blog for updates on that sort of thing. If you don't know where Thomas's office is, just ask at the front desk of the Honors College and they will direct you. The boxes, once again, will be just outside of Thomas's office on a bookshelf (NOT in his office, so don't bother him by asking where the boxes are!) :)

Event Types/Number of hours counted for them

Honors College Events: No maximum

Academic Events/Guest Speakers: Maximum of 5 hours per month

Performing Arts: Maximum of 5 hours per month

Visual Arts: Maximum of 5 hours per month

Personal & Professional development (if you're wondering what this one means, it includes things like shadowing a doctor, attending workshops, that sort of thing): Maximum of 3 hours per month

TTU Intercollegiate Sports: Maximum of 3 hours per month

Community/Lubbock Events: Maximum of 3 hours per month